TIC'ed Off

We appreciate everyone who ordered the Macaron TIC puzzle, our first TIC build. We learned a lot and started to pre-sale the other 4 TIC's in the Bite Size series. We definitely bit more than we can chew as we did two major designs chances throughout the project this month.
We swapped out the frame pieces for different woods to have a fun theme two weeks ago and still finishing up the builds. There's over 150 being built and we have worked endlessly. Our day starts at 9am and can reach 24+ work sessions because we are excited to have these in your hands!
This week, everything is built and currently being sprayed finished lacquer. We changed up the build once again a few days ago as a few play sessions discovered weak joints so we decided to drill and dowel every TIC frame corner that has an engrain butt up a side grain (the weakest glue joint). It tripled the work but it'll make for a better end product so even if Hulk plays, he won't break it.
Thanks to all for your patience! We just getting warmed up!